A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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Stonecraft is an InfiniMiner/Minecraft inspired game started in 2016 based on the Minetest open-source voxel game engine. It will be kept lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware.

Stonecraft is open-source and free, released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Thanks a lot to the Minetest community, to "Notch" the creator of Minecraft and to Linus Torvalds, the creator of the free operating system Linux.

This game IS NOT FINISHED. Don't expect it to work as well as a finished game will. Please report any bugs. When doing that, debug.txt is useful. Please use the Stonecraft bug report.

Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Andreas "MrCerealGuy" Zahnleiter <mrcerealguy [at] gmx [dot] de> and contributors


[14/04/2021] New version 1.3.1.

[31/05/2019] New version 1.3.0. Stonecraft has left alpha version.



[31/08/2018] New version 1.2.9-alpha. This is the most stable version ever! Fixed many bugs and added new content. No more support for Win 32-bit. Please deinstall first the old version of Stonecraft!

For Itch.io App users and in general: you have to deinstall the old version of Stonecraft! Unfortunately the Itch.io App doesn't delete old files during the update process. Don't run the setup over an old installation.


[13/02/2018] New version 1.2.8-alpha. Hotfixes.

[12/02/2018] New version 1.2.7-alpha. Fixed bugs, updated engine and worked on german translation.

{13/11/2017] Added 1.2.4-alpha win64 executable if you want to connect to servers with an older network protocol. Place it in your <Stonecraft>/bin folder and run stonecraft-1.2.4a.exe and not stonecraft.exe. For a local singleplayer game or hosting a game use stonecraft.exe.


Most of these can be changed in the "Change Keys" menu. The default and most important controls are:

Button Action
Move mouse Look around
W/A/S/D Move
Space Jump/move up
Ctrl Sneak/move down
Q Drop itemstack
Shift + Q Drop single item
Left mouse button Dig/punch/take item
Right mouse button Place/use
Shift + right mouse button Build (without using)
Tabulator Inventory menu
Mouse wheel Select item
0-9 Select item
Z Zoom (needs zoom privilege)
T Chat
/ Command
Esc Pause menu/abort/exit (pauses only singleplayer game)
R Enable/disable full range view
+ Increase view range
- Decrease view range
K Enable/disable fly mode (needs fly privilege)
L Enable/disable pitch move mode
J Enable/disable fast mode (needs fast privilege)
H Enable/disable noclip mode (needs noclip privilege)
E Move fast in fast mode
C Cycle through camera modes
V Cycle through minimap modes
Shift + V Change minimap orientation
F1 Hide/show HUD
F2 Hide/show chat
F3 Disable/enable fog
F4 Disable/enable camera update (Mapblocks are not updated anymore when disabled, disabled in release builds)
F5 Cycle through debug information screens
F6 Cycle through profiler info screens
F10 Show/hide console
F12 Take screenshot

Screenshots and Videos

See more screenshots on my Flickr album.

Check these videos from my Stonecraft YouTube Playlist.

Stonecraft Wiki

Visit the Stonecraft Wiki for more information.

Third-party server

Click here for a full server list.

Platforms/System requirements

Stonecraft supports Windows 7, 8, 10 and Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or higher and other debian-based distros).

Processor: Dual Core Intel/AMD
Memory: 2 GB DDR2
Hard Disk Space: 400 MB
Video Card: 1 GB Video Memory, capable of Shader,
OpenGL, DirectX®: 9.0c or higher
Screen resolution: 1024x768 or higher


Stonecraft by Andreas "MrCerealGuy" Zahnleiter <mrcerealguy [at] gmx [dot] de>. Please visit my project website. Have a nice day!

This game IS NOT FINISHED. Don't expect it to work as well as a finished game will. Please report any bugs. When doing that, debug.txt is useful. Please use the Stonecraft bug report.


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

stonecraft-1.3.1-win64.zip 84 MB
stonecraft-1.3.1-client-linux64.tar.gz 70 MB
stonecraft-1.3.1-server-linux64.tar.gz 67 MB

Development log


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lags like hell on my computer but cool

also what folder contains the .exe? Im trying to make a shortcut for it.

also it takes a really long time to launch

Is multiplayer available?

Uhh.. yeah? Just go into the server list.

is this game still under development? no comments from the developer!


Auszug aus der e-mail, die ich erhalten habe:
Guten Abend cHyper,
sorry für die späte Antwort.
Leider ist es aufgrund meines Vollzeitjobs nicht möglich an Stonecraft weiter zu arbeiten. Ich habe jedoch die Hoffnung irgendwann wieder in Teilzeit gehen zu können, dann würde ich gerne wieder an Updates arbeiten. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andreas Zahnleiter

idk why but i cant see my cursor, i made a world but after it says connecting to server it shuts down. I really wanna play it cuz i dont have money to register minecraft, and I really hope i could play this, pls help me


any new updates of this awesome game?


one year after the last update, when will be the next milestone for this funny game?

I downloaded but i cant find anything to open the game



look into the bin folder

Search in the stonecraft folder for .exe files. You'll find it.

Bro this game is just damn awsome i love it


See this then.

It does not work


ah it got suspended, wait.

So when will it come huh?


someday, i'll soon notify you. meanwhile you can watch the trailer.

(3 edits) (-2)

please add some other mobs too like wolves, fox, etc to make it more real. And could you please add the removed tools to the game like flashlight because still on enabling technic I could not find it. And could you please tell me how can I enable hunger because I am unable to find and enable that.

If you don't mind could you please add the beacon which gives status effects in not so simple mobs option because I love beacon.

Just one thing could you please add the feature to play other mods on stonecraft because I want to play mineclone 5 on stonecraft as it looks nice

hello how do I run the game, it does not open XDI tried to get the game in the folder and open it for the promo minetest, but it doesn't work, I think I need to use the client

Can You release Bit32 version of the game?

the 32-bit version is no longer supported by the dev, sorry.

Hey guys, a new big version is out!

awesome. good work. keep up the good job.

changelog of 1.3.1 please?

Hey, I have no changelog. Over 8k files were changed, but don't expect a big content update. But the biggest changes are
- upgraded to Minetest 5.4.0
- updated many third-party mods, removed some outdated mods and replaced with newer ones
- removed german translation (too time consuming)
- bug fixes

I downloaded the game, but when i opened the file, the game isnt in there. All i see is the files for the game. Plz help

A new version is out. I recommend to use the Itch.io App for automatic updates.

(1 edit)

can you make it that it supports 1090 1080 p or something it doesnt switch to fullscreen it says the graphic mode is not supported

i dont care if i have to use strech res too

Settings -> All Settings -> Graphics -> In-Game -> Advanced

Screen width
Screen height

I know it's awkward :(.

Offline? How do I "Play Offline?"


Explain that sentence please!

If you create a local world, you don't need an internet connection. For example, in Minecraft you have to log in via Minecraft launcher regardless you want play offline or online.

is possible to play on offline??

(1 edit)

is it possible to do an option do invert mouse right click betwen left click cause i prefer to mie/attack with right click .Thank you (im not talking about the original one wich is to invert the mouse not the click)

Hi. I have a bit of problem. I've been trying to fix the screen size the game loads in. It usually loads the game covering my whole screen (full-screen), but I want to keep it windowed and down to 1064 x 600. I've been using the Minetest settings to edit the screen size, but when I launch the game again, it goes back to full resolution (the windowed option works). I tried editing the minetest.config file and that didn't work either. Anybody have any tips for me?

Try alt + enter or just f4 if it dont work i dont know how to do it..

? news about this project?

MrCerealGuy probably took a break or something. Although, I'd appreciate it if it would stay in this version of "minetest" so that it can still remain compatible with older servers using multi-player, but he can still update stuff for single-player. There are some servers I enjoy that aren't up-to-date to 5.3.0.

oh... thx for info..

A new version ist out. Sorry for the long time.

any new updates anyway out there?? !!

Yes! Sorry for the long time.

(1 edit)

mt 5.3.0 is out, are there any plans for a new updated version?

what about minetest version 5.3.0 and this game? game is mostly outdated?? !!


me too

me too

ay yo what's that block game called again?
oh yeah it's stonecraft

Very funny hahaha

My menu screen and in-game is a little on the left how do i set it to the center?

I'm playing on windows 10 laptop

(1 edit)

is this like minecraft? (nvm it's inspired by it)

edit : does it feature co-op


I love the originality in this game! It's so unique!

(1 edit)

I downloaded the game, but when i opened the file, the game isnt in there. All i see is the files for the game. Please help


It's in the "bin" folder.

This game is absolutely amazing! I have only played a little bit, but haven't experienced any issues.  

vc pode fazer o design da aranha menos assustador

(1 edit) (+2)

quick translation: "can you make the spider a little bit less frigthening?"

Yeah they are wayy too realistic, i have mild arachnophobia so it doesnt bother me that much but other people might not even play the game because of that, and i don't believe there is a any major reason for them to be that realistic.

oh.thank they scare me a lot but i go try the game  I hope I don't shit in my pants

i think i saw the video on youtube right?

please make new menu its looks old

how to make server to play with friend please help me

(1 edit)

Minetest 5.2.0 has been released. https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=24516 When will the dev release a new stonecraft version?

hola tengo una pregunta lo descargo y cuando boy a dentrar me aparece que solo hay de 64bits y yo tengo de 32bits que puedo aser

only 64bit is supported...

(1 edit)

my worlds are deleted after i leave the game

(1 edit)

any news about updates?

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